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Revision as of 07:53, 30 May 2013 by Infrastation (talk | contribs) (add fullnameAttribute)
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It's also possible to make RackTables recognize SAML accounts instead of local. This implementation is based on the SimpleSAMLphp API. We assume you have SimpleSAMLphp up and running.


You first need to alter secret.php and change the setting $user_auth_src to 'saml'.

$user_auth_src = 'saml';

Further configuration is done through $SAML_options array.

$SAML_options = array
	'simplesamlphp_basedir' => '../simplesaml',
	'sp_profile' => 'default-sp',
	'usernameAttribute' => 'eduPersonPrincipName',
	'fullnameAttribute' => 'fullName',
	'groupListAttribute' => 'memberOf',
option(s) is mandatory? description
simplesamlphp_basedir yes (Relative) path to where SimpleSAMLphp has been installed, seen from the RackTables installation directory. E.g. if you configure '../simplesaml', the application will try to resolve the file '../simplesaml/lib/_autoload.php' from the root of the RackTables installation.
sp_profile yes Define the service profile wich has to be used. A normal SimpleSAMLphp installation defaults to default-sp
usernameAttribute yes Username attribute
fullnameAttribute yes Fullname attribute
fullnameAttribute no Name of the attribute containing the user's list of groups. Each group will be mapped to RackTables {$sgcn_XXXXX} autotag.

This option was added in release 0.20.5.